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Friday, 24 October 2014

Queer Emergency- In Support Of Allison Woolbert

This plea came from a very good friend of mine who is genderqueer.

"queer internet i need your help there is an emergency
cathy brennan and many terfs have google-bombed allison woolbert, friend of mine, who runs the transgender violence tracking portal.
cathy making her out to be a heterosexual male who sexually assaults people, and cathy is a lawyer who is extremely powerful. this is fucking terrifying and i never thought that terfs would try to destroy something incredible here in south jersey.
so this is where allison and i need your help, seriously. if you can, write three paragraphs about this project, and mention allison's full name once, and then her first name twice, and put it somewhere on the internet. i'm putting mine on my main tumblr.
this is terrifying and i want to do everything in my power to stop this. cathy brennan is a dangerous person and needs to be stopped, and she's made the decision to attack trans women in the place where i've lived my entire life."

This is unacceptable and not the first time she has done this.
Allison Woolbert is a woman doing some great work and I totally support her and all trans women in their right to a harassment free existence.
Please share so that the hate is not the first thing seen when her name is googled. Put it on your own blogs. 
All women, regardless of their gender assignment at birth are my sisters.
Come on sisters, let's help this sister out. 

1 comment:

  1. Click clicking away for my friend Allison Woolbert. A warrior for all.
