The other day I wrote this on who I did vote for in my group GEC elections. It was quite well received by people as an insight into who people are outside of the election addresses.
I was asked if there was anyone I absolutely WOULDN'T have voted for and why. Well, now you come to mention it there were and this post is in response to that question.
Have to say that if you don't appear in either of these posts then it may well be that I either don't know you or have no strong feelings about you either way.
Lorna Merry:
Yes, Tax Justice is a Good Thing, but it was UK Uncut who brought it to the big stage.
Yes, casualisation of the workforce is a Bad Thing, but crowing about securing FTA contracts while substantive staff are up the road is not going to endear yourself to me.
That 'extra' £900m for collecting revenue came out of the cuts that they were already making.
There is no strategy in those hustings just a need for a strategic approach. Whatever that is.
Besides, I don't think someone who fillibusters a domestic abuse policy while in the chair at the GEC will make a very good president.
Clive Bryant:
Known locally as the Dark Lord, this svengali is master of the long speech that says nothing. Likes to berate branches for not engaging with their members and yet when announcements of office closures and the like happen in his own there is nary a rep to be seen to support his. Not that he would know where his are as the density in Worthing has always been appalling. And he can't ask his chair as they still don't have one.
He had to have PMR taken away from the HR team and what has he done with it? Messed it up completely. Possibly why there is little mention of it in his hustings (hidden away in the middle of bullet points) despite being the lead negotiator on it.
And ask yourselves this. How many ESS briefings have you seen this year? I count zero.
He urges us to elect the strongest possible team. I would suggest that this wunder team should not include him. That would not be at all 'elpful.
Ravi Kurup:
I never vote for scabs. End of.
Gordon Rowntree:
Half of his hustings are telling us what we already know. Then we get onto what he would do if re elected. ALL OF WHICH IS TRADE UNIONISM 101.
But wait, what is this? He would insist that members are balloted on major changes that affect them.
Beside the point that MEMBERS are supposed to tell the GEC when they want a ballot, not the other way round, conference voted for one on the hated and disgusting, morale sucking, job stealing PMR system last May.
We still haven't had it.
And there is a raft of other conference instructions that have been ignored. You just wait till we get to the organising section of conference this year for the whole list.
A strong and determined leadership is all well and good Gordon, but it is the members who should be determining the direction, not you.
Maybe you should actually talk to them rather than decide you know what is best for them.
Martin Page:
Doesn't seem to think not delivering ballot papers to a whole floor is a problem.
John Smith:
To be fair to John he has done some good work and does work hard and always in the best interest of his members.
But I don't trust him. And I have reason not to. Unlike the Elder Statesman he was part of the cadre that told me to go away, read the fucking paper again and do the right thing. Then tried to stop me using my right of tendency when I really couldn't vote the same way as caucus.
He was the straw that finally broke the dragon's back and that was the day I resigned from Left Unity.
Everyone else in the booklet was either an 'I nearly voted for them' or an 'I couldn't care less about them.'
I will reiterate. I am not telling you who to vote for. I think that is undemocratic and like I said here, I had enough of that when I was in a faction. But for fuck's sake vote!
Or you will get the GEC that everyone who actually bothered to do so votes for.
You are the union. You have a duty to chose who represents you.
Good luck.
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