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Monday, 22 July 2013

On Why I Joined The Labour Party

Just got back from Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival.

While I was there I joined the Labour party.

Didn't think I'd ever do it, but I did. Regular readers of my blog know of my absolute contempt for Ed Miliband. My absolute disdain for his politics, his kill em slower policies and his neo liberal bullshit.

It's been coming a while. There have been plenty of debates. A couple of guest posts...

What I wanted was a new workers party, however, TUSC are a joke. This is a real shame for something that showed so much promise. Also a shame that they spend more time on Twitter having a go at those with a different view than actually coming up with strategy. I don't like like bickering, I don't like bullying and I'm not quite ready to drink the Kool Aid.

So, did I join Labour because I love the leadership and everything they stand for?

Fuck no.

I've joined because I want my party back. I've joined because I believe in community organising from the bottom up.

I've joined because the strategy of getting trade unionists into decision making positions intrigues me and I want to help make it work.

I've joined because snarking from the sidelines isn't going to achieve anything.

I've joined because I believe in people like my friends Dawn Poole and Tanya Palmer who are working hard to make things better for the working classes. Brilliant strong women who are taking the fight and making it relevant and dammit I want to help.

I don't want a new workers' party.

I want the one that's already there to represent me.


  1. There are serious problems with the Labour leadership, but the only way it will be resolved is by more socialists joining, and changing the paty from the bottom up.

    Here's to the Labour revolution comrade!!

  2. Porr deluded fool, I was convinced of the same thing - IN 1987!!! It failed then, and it's a complete non-starter now. Believe me, I WORKED FOR Labour in 1997 at Millbank and I wouldn't piss on the Party if it were on fire, let alone re-join it.

  3. To win Labour back first you will need to make it unelectable/destroy it, you got to force the far right wing of Labour to leave and join the party that they should belong to, I am going with the TUSC it as the best hope for the majority, it would be in national government power decades before the left can regain Labour, Real Socialist are banned from joining the Labour party and the left wing witch hunt is still on going as not stop since Neil Kinnock started it and having the Socialist removed from Labour by one means or another.
