First there was my post earlier on Leaving The House.
Then I read a blog which equated trans* women to middle class white boys with long hair.
Then I came across the #howtospotaCISperson hashtag.
I went through this thought process.
- But I don't do that!
- I'm a CIS person and would never dream of doing that.
Then I thought about it some more. I got over myself. And I thought that not all cis people sounded an AWFUL lot like Not All Men. And about how my stock answers to that are as follows.
- If you are too busy being defensive rather than looking at what the problems are, you are probably part of the problem.
- If you don't recognise yourself in what we are saying then we are not talking about you specifically.
- Yes, I know not all men. But literally yes all women.
So this got me thinking that a reply to Not All Cis People should be literally all trans* people.
I like to think I am a good trans* ally and that I try and educate those who want to have a proper debate about what it means to be trans*.
I chose the side of trans* inclusivity long ago. I have never been shy of saying all women, regardless of gender assignment at birth are my sisters.
But I have decided that in every family there are members you just cannot talk to, just cannot educate and just cannot change.
So please do me a favour, if you are Trans* Exclusionary then please block me on Twitter, defreind me on Facebook and don't bother commenting on this post.
You hurt me when you treat trans women as chicks with dicks and I can no longer put up with it. I owe myself, my conscience and my trans* brothers and sisters (and daughter person) more than that.
And if you find yourself unable to assess someone's gender when you are out on the street and it confuses you then follow these three easy steps.
- Get over yourself.
- Don't worry about it.
- Go about your day.
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