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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Why I am team Lannister all the way!

Anyone else been looking forward to Game of Thrones like I have? How many of you read the books? Now, and here is the important question, how many of you were secretly rooting for the Lannisters?  I know I was. So I have decided to go public with my affection for Cercei, Jaime, Tyrion et al.

Oh I know I shouldn't love them. I know, without giving away any spoilers, that there is nary a redeeming feature between them, but that is the whole point.

I like the fact that they are evil. I laugh at my friends who are horrified at my allegiance and look upon those who share it with a new respect.

I haven't always been like this. I cheered when Garion defeated Torak. I wept for Ryan Veitch as he descended into the pit of despair and vengeance  that was Ruth's rejection. I even wanted Thomas Covenant to be redeemed. And the gods alone know how hard it is to care a jot about him!

When Fitz ran away from Buckeep I screamed at him to come back, and when he and Molly finally sorted things out I screamed with joy. I am a good person.

But, but... The Lannisters are so deliciously bad! It isn't even as if they are evil, they define evil!

They are amoral, selfish, totally without conscience or remorse. And why should they feel remorse? They are Lannisters and as such need ask neither permission nor forgiveness from lower mortals or gods.

They don't care that you disapprove of them and they would laugh in the face of detractors if they were not below their notice. I need a bit of that in my life sometimes and I am honest enough to admit it.

And that is why, despite praying fervently that Sparhawk would rescue Elenha and that Poldarn would finally be happy that this geek is Team Lannister and proud.

Now, hear me ROAR!

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